Friday, November 21, 2008

They Packed My Chute

1. my daddy (i love him soooo much!)
2. my mom (even though we always fight and argue about something stupid, i still love her and she has and will always be there for me)
3. Brittney J. aka Brit Brat ( we have had our "moments" where we were extremely mad at each other, but other than that she has been here for me since freshman ya gurl!! :))
4. My sister
5. My Grandpa
6. My cousin tasha (she's always been there for me and gave me advice when i needed it....i don't know how i could have done it with out her!! :]])


Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

that's sweet!! like the colors!!

Maritza said...

Where's me and April?? JK lol
Love ya TinkerTell got a new one for ya since everyone started calling you tella bella.